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* Season 5 (2021-2022) *
5. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirithawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part IX)
Welcome Home! The ninth installment in the series once again highlights audio field recordings made from rainbow gatherings around the world. The playlist features - with older stuff sprinkled in the mix - audio made at the 50th Anniversary - 2022 Annual Rainbow Gathering in Colorado - the year of the jubilee! Tune in, turn on, and lend an ear… See you in 5 minutes~
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> *** PLAYLIST ***
Photo by Datdaway
4. The Garden Fair
Welcome to The Garden Fair. The fresh wonders of Spring spring forth with an episode filled with a flowering mix of sound, snippet, and song. Come for the soundings and stay for the blossoms. Open the garden gate and—walla!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> *** PLAYLIST ***
3. The People's Republic of Sound Paintings
I am for Sound Paintings because I am for humanity. We have been cursed with the reign of gold long enough. Money constitutes no proper basis of civilization. The time has come to regenerate society—we are on the eve of a universal change. Let’s bring back people’s music, made for the people and by the people! Sound Painters of the World, Tune In!"
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> *** PLAYLIST ***
2. Whence Mountain & The Orbtones Reflect Sound Band
Come one, come all… Let’s explore the random galaxy of random sound, snippet, and song. We’ll randomly celebrate randomness like a random meeting of random beings as random as being here now. See you on the other side…
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> *** PLAYLIST ***
1. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VIII)
Come along on another adventure jitterbugging with faeries and gnomes over yonder at the living light forest sometimes known as Rainbowbuttercuplandia. Featuring 21 years of rainbow gathering field recordings from around the world; a mash-up of song, snippet, and story. Explore the pizza toppings of your mind and expand your reality-tunnel with aural aerobatics while digging the compost pit of earthly delights. *Please wash your hands prior to listening. See you in
5 minutes..
Find all the rainbow gathering field recording podcast episodes HERE
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> *** PLAYLIST ***
* Season 4 (2020) *
3. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VII)
Episode 3 (2020): Welcome home buttercups! I invite you to take another adventure pixie waltzing with unicorns down at the living light farm over the rainbowlandia. Featuring 20 years of rainbow gathering field recordings from around the world; a mash-up of trail sauntering nuggets of song, snippet, and story. Come explore the zuzu’s of your mind and stretch your mental fibers with aural gymnastics while digging the shitters of unprecedented holes in these most peculiar days. *Please wash your hands prior to listening. See you in 5 minutes - Lovin’ U!
Find all the rainbow gathering field recording podcast episodes HERE
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VII)
2. Forever Flowing Free Form Frolic
Episode 2 (2020): This episode is one part typing, one part piano playing with a twist of exoticism wrapped up in an exploration of sonic wonderment and a dash of aural musings, for good measure. Also included are sprinkles of experimental soundscapes as a treat.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Forever Flowing Free Form Frolic
1. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VI)
Episode 1 (2020): 1st episode of 2020...Welcome Home! Rainbow land is thisaway, Buttercups! Come frolic along the rainbow trail through close to 20 years of field recordings made at rainbow gatherings around the world. Host & Producer Tenali Sacredscrubber O’Dish Pit welcomes you to journey through a fascinating collection of sound, spoken word, story, and song. See you all of a sudden!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VI)
Photo by Tenacious Wanderjahr
* Season 3 (2019) *
10. More Light!
Episode 10 (2019): Whipped up on an end of the year whim, Muddy Boots brings you - More Light! Come celebrate the winter solstice roving and we’ll go on roving through the darkness and into the light. A warm and cozy serving of radiant sound, snowy snippets, and glistening song.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> More Light!
Photo by Anon Um Whonoes
9. Thingamabobs in the Newage Whatchamacallits
Episode 9 (2019): We’re going to do that sound journey thing at that one time of your choice, in that one place also of your choice. Tenali Von Doohickey Lickety-Split welcomes you to another exploration of unusual sounds, exotic snippets, and enthralling songs. If you don’t know where you are going then you’ll never be late. No appointment, no disappointment. In other words, see ya there when you get over there to listen.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Thingamabobs in the Newage Whatchamacallits
8. What Dreams May Come… (Part XIII)
Episode 8 (2019): As nights through dreams come tell the myths forgotten by day, Tenali Von Cloudy Puff Puff invites you to frolic upon the phantasmagorical spaceways of floatiness. So, twinkle, twinkly we shall, for there’s bound to be cups of instant-smile during our escapade in case your frown needs to be turned upside down. That’s what the Dream Freedom Revelers tell me, anyway.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> What Dreams May Come… (Part XIII)
7. The Epiphanies of Petrichor (Part Sum)
Episode 7 (2019): The fifth episode in a five part surrealism series. Come one, come all! Host and Producer, Very Merry-Go-Round B. Merry Tenali invites you to listen to a carnival of sound, snippet and song. We’ll be sure to go ‘round and ‘round all the livelong day exploring this, that, the other thing, whatevers, what-if, what-have-yous, and other whatnots.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> The Epiphanies of Petrichor (Part Sum)
6. Faerie Faerie Quite Goosebumpberry (Part-Time Barrier)
Episode 6 (2019): The fourth episode in a five part surrealism series. Supposedly, Mother Goose and her entourage are caught in a time warp. Can Merlin help? What is needed for them - and in turn us - to survive and thrive? Host and Producer, Timeseemslikeaburden Tenaynay invites one and all to tune in to find out. Whenever you have the time to do so, of course.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Faerie Faerie Quite Goosebumpberry (Part-Time Barrier)
5. Gooey Gooey Ummmdrops (Part Wuuut)
Episode 5 (2019): Welcome to the third episode in a five part surrealism series. We’re gonna take a round robin and titillating adventure through the sensual, seductive, and probably a look-see into mercans, too. But don’t take my word for it, simply tune in for a full exploration into a body of sound - DING!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Gooey Gooey Ummmdrops (Part Wuuut)
4. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Manifestation (Part V)
Episode 4 (2019): We’re interrupting our five part surreal series with a most curious episode==> Welcome Home! Rainbow land is thisaway, Buttercups! Come frolic along the rainbow trail through close to 20 years of field recordings made at rainbow gatherings around the world. Host & Producer Tenali Sacredscrubber O’Dish Pit welcomes you to journey through a fascinating collection of sound, spoken word, story, and song. See you all of a sudden!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part VI)
3. An Assemblage After Aleatoric Alliterations (Art Aleven)
Episode 3 (2019): This is the second episode in a five part surrealism series. This go-around they tell me that we will become sound itself, waving their waves, at least that’s what Host and Producer, Tenali Von Verily Vibrations, was told to share with you. See ya there (but over there does not mean a vacuum because sound can’t travel through vacuums)!!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> An Assemblage After Aleatoric Alliterations (Art Aleven)
2. The Illusion of Hokey Pocus (Part Poof!)
Episode 2 (2019): This is the first episode in a five part surrealism series. Expect unexpected juxtapositions, probably a non sequitur (or two to three), and from what I’ve heard this particular episode presents an array of majestic illusions. You’ll just have to tune in to see, touch, smell, taste, and - most undoubtedly - hear for yourself. Abracadabrayapoof!!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> The Illusion of Hokey Pocus (Part Poof!)
1. Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part III)
Episode 1 (2019): Welcome to season 3 of the Muddy Boots (2019) sound painting extravaganza! The show returns by taking another psychedelic adventure down the rabbit hole of our minds. Host and Producer, Melting Bliss Tenaynay invites you - as always - to tune in, turn on, and shine ever so bright.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part III)
Art by ???…Can you help?
* Season 2 (2018) *
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13. Ever Dawn & Ever Dusk (Part III)
Episode 13 (2018): Supposedly when a person dies, their sense of hearing is the last to go...Changing Moon Tenali welcomes you to the final episode of 2018, a cyclical, auditory gaze into the phenomenon of life and death. Prepare to ride the sound waves as we flow through the two worlds that seemingly become all the more mysterious the older we get. At least for me, anyway. Thank you for all of your support and for listening! If you like the show, please leave a rating and/or review. Muddy Boots will find you over yonder in 2019. Until then, enjoy the archives in your podcast feed...Walla!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Ever Dawn & Ever Dusk (Part III)
12. Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part VII)
Episode 12 (2018): Come explore a hodge-podge of sound, snippet, and song. Poetic whimsy and wordsmithery be our guide, unveiling worlds unseen and unforeseen, and unleashing ripples of whatever, what-nots, and what-have-yous. So, as we dip our ears in an ink of aural oddities, may we commune with the muse as she sees fit.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part VII)
11. What Dreams May Come… (Part XII)
Episode 11 (2018): They say dreams are only as real as long as they last...So when we sail into the galaxies beyond, casting our imagination upon watery scenes, we unfold into a changing you. See you over yonder!!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> What Dreams May Come… (Part XII)
10. Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part VI)
Episode 10 (2018): Like previous installments of this theme, we're going to take a journey - in a same same but different way - through a labyrinth of lyrically engaging song, exotic snippets, and curious sounds. I also hear that some selections from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary will weave their way in the episode, too. That's what I'm told, anyway. See ya there!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part VI)
9. Doom, Doldrums, and Fear (Hard Times) Part II
Episode 09 (2018): Doom-y darkness and doom-y bleakness... Where oh where when you're all down and out do you go from here? Well, when hard times got ya buried deep in the quicksand of your mind, there's always music to help life ya up, and with that, Quesy Uneasy Tenali hereby invites y'all to tune in, so we may free ourselves from the shackles of despair.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Doom, Doldrums, and Fear (Hard Times) Part II
8. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part IV)
Episode 08 (2018): Welcome home! I invite y'all to take a trail through the forests and meadows of your mind guided by a plethora of sounds from seventeen years of field recordings I've made at rainbow gatherings around the world. A very peculiar and noteworthy episode, indeed. See you in 5 minutes!!!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part IV)
7. Pootang Willy & The Open Road (Part I)
Episode 07 (2018): Let's hit the open road and ride the hobo rails through wherever the sounds take us; across the big sky country to the swampy lowland forests. Thick Stew Pot Tenali will guide the aural caboose, offering a free ride to everyone. Oh, and be sure to wear your muddy boots!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Pootang Willy & The Open Road (Part I)
Photo by Unknown
6. Mojo's Cabinet of Curiosities (Part I)
Episode 06 (2018): Rose Hips Tenali summons you to conjure the world of Hoodoo and Voodoo. Though different - tune in to find out how and why - each have inspired many-a fine song, and we're going to explore that. So, bind the knotweed of your listening mind, and let's mend together a true love journey with lavendar sounds and ginger snippets.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Mojo's Cabinet of Curiosities (Part I)
Photo by Unknown
5. Reefer Gladness & Tokka Ganja Madness (Part Um)
Episode 05 (2018): Yeah, like, this is totally, ummm, an episode from Muddy Vipers, I mean, Muddy Boots called Reefer Gladness & Tokka Ganja Madness (Part Um). We're gonna roll it up and listen while we got 'em, for 4/20 is the day to celebrate cannabis, weed, ganja, Mary Jane, grass, reefer, jive stick, wacky tabacky, or whatever of the ten thousand names you wish to use for this legendary plant. Safety meeting!
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Reefer Gladness & Tokka Ganja Madness (Part Um)
4. Wholly Holy (Part I)
Episode 04 (2018): Thy Unholy Holiness Tenali welcomes ye all to the kingdom of glorious sound, snippet, and song. It is written that listeners may dream-weave the totally sacred heavens by cleansing the doors of perception. Lend an ear so we may begat the auralities of truth and be a kind of firstfruits of all creatures, for therein is love...and holiness.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Wholly Holy (Part I)
3. Birds & Blessed Bees (Part I)
Episode 03 (2018): In this circle of perfect love and perfect trust, your hosts Birds of a Feather Tenali and Bee Bliss Kristen, invite you to bring your wand, chalice, blade, and broom along for a magical journey into the realm of spellbinding songs and incantations. Just remember - And ever mind the rule of Three: what ye send out, comes back to thee. Follow this with mind and heart, and merry ye meet and merry ye part.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Birds & Blessed Bees (Part I)
2. Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part II)
Episode 02 (2018): Welcome to the Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part II). Colors Abound Tenali, invites you to come take a kaleidoscopic journey within and beyond, sailing upon the wondrous cosmic sea - flowing and flowing in pure ecstasy. Tune in, turn on, and shine ever so bright.
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part II)
1. Sometimes a Saint & Sometimes A sinner (Part VIII)
Welcome to the first episode of 2018! After a wee hiatus, we revisit the saints and sinners theme, and perhaps it's an apropos time, too. Seemingly, the past few years feels like the moral pendulum swings at an ever increasing rate, as if it's going to snap and the whole world will desecend into existential chaos. Are we at a crossroads uncertain how to navigate through the hazy spectrum of rights and wrongs, arrogance and humility, fear and courage, and kindness and cruelty? I invite you to tune in to see where all these thoughts take us...
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> Sometimes A Saint & Sometimes A Sinner (Part VIII)
* Season 1 (2017) *
1. Turtle Island (Part I)
Inspired by my time at Standing Rock, I wish to begin this series of episodes with an ode and celebration of our Mother Earth.
In the words of Edward Abbey: The earth, like the sun, like the air, belongs to everyone—and to no one. So, I hereby invite y'all to come journey on the first episode of the year -Turtle Island (Part I). If you like what you hear, please spread the word. And if you feel so moved, I would be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track List (PDF) ===> turtle-island-part-i
2. Reveries of the Lotus Blossom (Part I)
Down-The-Rabbit-Hole Tenali invites you to take a billion year psychedelic adventure through caverns of pure light while bathing in elixirs of visionary bliss. Be prepared to dissolve in the cosmic you, splitting into amoebas and amoebas and amoebas all the way down. Tune in, turn on, and melt beyond.
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a rating/review on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> reveries-of-the-lotus-blossom-part-i
3. Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part IV)
Oh how fair these days flick'ring in lustrous bounty of poetry, st'ry, and song. Cometh hith'r and lift up thine ears of rapturous wond'r as thund'rous waves toucheth thy soul. Host bedazzl'd tenali vows to keepth the tunes aplenty and the v'rses immense...For nay hardship ne'er snoweth when blows such joys of heavenly sound that cometh from herein and hereout.
Thee can findeth previous episodes at (previously did produce f'r and air'd on the oth'r side): Parteth I, Parteth II, and Parteth III
I'd beest hon'r'd if 't be true thee did subscribe + hath left a rating/review on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part IV)
Image source unknown
4. Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation (Part III)
Welcome home!! Join Warrior Blue Tarp Tenali for a Part III mashup of 16+ years of field recordings he's made at rainbow gatherings around the world. There's sure to be an array of trail wandering soundbites, campfire singalongs, and probably snippets of birdsong, too. See you in five minutes!
You can find previous episodes at (produced for and aired on The Other Side): Part I & Part II
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Totally High Holy Rainbow-Coloured Spirit Hawk of Awakened Manifestation Part III
5. Absolutely Everything's Nothing Something
(Part I)
More often than not, host Black Hole Tenali likes to present a theme based episode, such as dreams, philosophy, animals, seasonal, and so on. This go-around, however, it's going to be completely different. How so? Well, think of it as an anti-theme. An episode about nothing, or maybe it's about everything, or something. So, maybe this is all a put on and there actually is a theme. Ultimately, it seems that everything’s nothing something, too. Is it all a word-play mystery? You'll just have to listen to find out.
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Absolutely Everything's Nothing Something (Part I)
6. Doom, Doldrums, And Fear (Part I)
Life, at times, can sure be tough. Any number of things can spiral us downward, from the passing of friends or family, to economic hardship, the wrath of politics, loneliness, or maybe you just stubbed your toe. Whatever the reason, it happens. Host Troubled Voyage Tenali invites us to channel such feelings through sound, snippet, and song, in order that we transcend the bleakness, so we may arise anew like a phoenix from the fire.
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Doom, Doldrums, And Fear (part I)
7. Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part V)
A look-see into the world of poetry, story, and song. Host Tenali Ceremoniouslymasked Wearsmith will showcase a dollop of whimsy here, some sprinkles of surreal there, and most definitely a heaping spoonful of mighty fine tunes. So, what the heck, let's taste the yummy chocolate of sound. Oh, I also invite you to wear your favorite mask while you listen. Tune in to find out why.
You can find previous episodes at (produced for and aired on The Other Side): Part I, Part II, and Part III
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Voluptuous Veils, Vigorous Voyage (Part V)
Photo source unknown
8. What Dreams May Come... (Part XI)
Dream in and dream out, indeed. Twinkle Twinkle Tenali brings another round of hazy moon lullabies and Wynken, Blynken, and Nod's weaving clouds of sound, snippet, and song. It may just spark a phantasm of curious sleepy-time let's rest our head on a pillow of stars - lalala lalala lalala
You can find previous episodes listed HERE (produced for and aired on The Other Side)
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> What Dreams May Come... (Part XI)
9. Keep The Home Fires Burning (Part VI)
Ahhh the Autumn wind blows in...and thoughts turn to homecoming, reading a book by the fire, and snuggling up with a warm drink. Join Front Porch Tenali and we will enjoy the seasons change with a cuddly batch of story and song. So, wrap yourself in your favorite quilt for we to get warm and fuzzy.
You can find previous episodes HERE (produced for and aired on The Other Side)
I'd be honored if you subscribed + left a review/rating on iTunes
Notes + Track list (PDF) ===> Keep The Home Fires Burning (Part VI)
Photo source unknown